Monday, October 29, 2012

It's WEEK 2!

Over the weekend, I reflected on our first week of Pre-K.   Overall, I think we had a very productive week.   Of course, there were a few kinks that had to be worked out...but we managed well!   On Monday, we practiced walking in a straight line and becoming independent in the bathroom. I am really encouraging independence this  year.   We also spent a lot of time on procedures and transitions.    We try to keep the same routine in our classroom each day, but of course with Pre-K we must always be flexible.   I never want our room to be so structured that we miss out on "learning as we go".    My goal is to to have an organized, structured classroom that also encourages curiosity and individuality.     So, as I reflected over the week, I realized that nearly all of the students are really struggling with fine motor skills.   A simple task, such as holding a crayon or pencil, can be quite challenging for these little hands.    So...for the next few weeks, we are going to focus on sharpening our fine motor skills.   I am a product of a Montesorri classroom, so I want to incorporate many of the same things that I grew up learning.   One of my favorite activities (that I now realize was used to develop fine motor skills) was punching letters that were written on paper with toothpicks.    I also loved using  tweezers to pick up cotton balls and placing them in a cup.    I was learning through my "play" and I didn't even know it!!  

So...if anyone has any spare tweezers, cotton balls or toothpicks at home....I sure would love to use them in our room!  

This week we will be reading "Five Little Pumpkins" poem.   I hope to take a video of the children and post it on Thursday.  They are absolutely adorable doing the motions.    We are also working on a craft to go along with this poem.   It is going to be super cute.   I plan to hang them in our hall outside the classroom.  Ask your child if he/she can recite the poem to you at home.   They almost have it memorized!  

On Wednesday, the children are welcome to bring a Halloween treat for their friends.   We will have 7 friends on Wednesday.    I am planning to bring in some pumpkin muffins. I wonder if they will like my healthy version of Halloween food??   : )      We will be reading lots of books about pumpkins too.     

Until next time... 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Our first week of Pre-K!

 These little sweeties are so excited to get the day started!
 Caden and Bradley are using their imaginations on the car rug!
 Abbie loves to use her "magic" wand to sing the sounds of the alphabet!  A-a-a-a- APPLE!
 Jacob sings along too!
 Layna found another alphabet where she can use her "magic" wand.
 Layna put on the "weather girl" coat and is telling the class that it's SUNNY today!
 Turn the wheel to sunny!
 Luc loves to name all the letters.   He knows them all!
 After we sing, we take turns writing the letter of the day. 
 R.J. is doing a great job!
 Abbie holds up the CIRCLE as we sing our circle song.  
 This week is "Say No To Drugs!"  Our class participated in the decorate the shirt challenge!  We turned all of our hand-prints into owls!!  Look Whooooooo's Saying No to Drugs!
 Jake thinks its super fun to get dirty!
 Layna and Luc are finding letters to put on the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree.
 Caden was such a helper today.   His job was to name all the letters to his friend, R.J.
 Look at how we can climb!
 Caden was pretending to be a T-Rex today!   Aaarrrgh!!
 This might be one of my favorite pictures of Alex.  He is playing peek a boo on the train.
Caden and Luc have become big friends!