This week our Pre-K students became scientists! After reading our story of the week, "I Love Tamales", we decided we wanted to mimic the activities demonstrated in our book. I took out the balance scale and we got busy! As you can see from the pictures, the students LOVED using the balance scale to see what items weighed more and less. We discovered that water is very heavy! I loved hearing all the "oohs" and "ahs" during our science activities this week. We worked together in a group and used our "noggins" to make observations. Towards the end of the week, we also used magnifying glasses. My plan was to take the children outside for some "discovery" time, but Mother Nature had other plans. We improvised and went on a letter discovery hunt in our classroom. The children discovered all kinds of letters that have been hiding from us! Can you believe those tricky letters? Don't worry, we found them all!
Next week, all of our activities will focus around our literature story for the week, "The Mitten" by Jan Brett. Many of our activities will focus on sequencing. I also plan to have the children practice re-telling the story. Maybe we will use our I-pads and record our re-tellings? The kids love to be movie stars! It will be a fun week of learning!
New Pre-K standards that we covered this past week are:
- Sort and classify objects as
solids or liquids
-Use a variety of scientific
tools to investigate, explore, and
compare objects in the classroom
and schoolyard
-Begin to understand the concept of
currency as a means of exchange
Have a great week!
Mrs. Weathers
Caden, Abbie, Alex and Jacob watch the balance... |
Caden adds the water.... |
The water is heavy! We had to add lots of keys to make it balance! Way to go R.J.! |
In our story, the boy measured his hands using connecting cubes. |
So...we decided to do the same thing! Layna's hand is 5 connecting cubes long! |
Alex is placing star stickers on our letter of the week. This is a great activity to strengthen fine motor skills. |
We also learned about money this week. A penny is worth one cent. Abraham Lincoln is the man that we see on the penny. Some of the children brought in pennies and we looked closely at them. |
Alex is enjoying a book. |
Abbie is on a letter scavenger hunt! |