Tuesday, October 21, 2014

2 week unit- Five Senses

 The Five Senses Unit is always a favorite in Pre-K.   We had a blast learning about each individual sense and also how we can use more than one sense at the same time.   Ms. Glass, our JSU intern, taught our unit and did a great job!   I know that the students really enjoyed all of the hands on activities during the unit.  
The students learned by using the Five Senses glove!
We used our sense of sight, touch and hearing when we used our SmartBoard.  This week the students played alphabet bingo.   We had to listen very carefully to match the letter sounds.  They are doing a GREAT job!   Most of the students have learned all letter sounds!

In the writing center, the students used sensory bags to write letters.   The sensory bags were made of lotion and paint.  They smelled so good! 

The students categorized shapes.   They used their sense of sight and touch.

QR codes are always a hit in our classroom!  We listened to videos about the Five senses. 

Smelling jars are always included in our unit.   It was one of my favorite activities as a child.  

The students created a Five Senses Big Book.   Each day, they cut out pictures that represented the sense of the day.

We used our sense of touch to feel items in our mystery bags.  The mystery bag really forced us to use only one sense.   It was a little tricky!

Andrew is showing off his Five Senses boy!  We hung our work in the hallway.

We used herbal tea bags to make the letter T!   Our room smelled so good...and so did our paper!!! 

We also had a taste test.   We tasted salty, bitter, sweet,  and sour.   Can you guess which was the class favorite?  SWEET! 

Kaylan's face after she tasted sour!! 

We made eggs that held different items.   We had to match the sounds.

We wrapped up our unit by taking a Five Senses walk around campus.  We used our binoculars that we made to look at different things. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Dot Day, Ramp Unit, and Skype!

We celebrated International Dot Day on September 15th.   We worked alongside our wonderful librarian, Mrs. Clingan, and participated in some really fun activities!

We painted lots and lots of DOTS!!! 

Our favorite activity was creating light art.   We took a flashlight into a dark room and waved the flashlight in a circle.   Mrs. Clingan set her camera to a very low speed and took a picture.   

For the past two weeks, we have been learning all about ramps.  We went outside and took pictures of real life ramps with our Ipads and created Pic Collages.   We also used blocks to make ramps in our classroom.  We learned about inclined planes and how fast (or slow) objects will roll down it.   We learned that the steepness of the incline plane will affect how fast the ball will roll.  

In the middle of our ramp unit, we also got to Skype with a Pre-K class in Monterrey, Mexico.   We will be working with this class for the school year.   We have so much to learn from each other!

We took our ramps into the hallway.   We tested out different types of objects to see how far they would roll down the ramp.   We learned that the texture of the ball affects how fast it will go down the ramp.  We also learned that the weight of the ball affects the speed.   The students had a lot of fun experimenting with different objects. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Community Helpers- Week 2

The big yellow school bus came to visit Pre-K.   The students were SO excited.   Pre-K is not allowed to ride the school bus this year, so this was an exciting day.   They learned all of the rules.   Our bus driver was very friendly and funny!

Can you see the excitement? 

This week, we had a special activity.  The students dressed us as a fireman and put out the flames!

Did you know you could have this much fun with vinegar and baking soda?  

Dr. Clanton came to visit and told us all about being a vet.   We loved having Ms. Jessica's dog come visit in Pre-K.  

Dr. Clanton checked Sadie's heart and looked in her ears.

Ms. Kim from the Public Library came and told us all about the library.   She also read several books.  It was a lot of fun. 

The supervisor from the Jacksonville Post Office came and told us all about how the mail works.  Did you know that every piece of mail has its picture taken eight times before it reaches your mailbox?  

We loved having JSU's Coach John Grass come for a visit.   GO Gamecocks!  The first home game is September 20th against West Alabama.   I attended both of these schools..who will I cheer for??      See you there! 

Ms. Nicki came and told us all about being a salon owner.  Hope was chosen to have her hair braided.  She loved it!

Mrs. Carol came from MadHatter's bakery and told us all about being a baker.  She gave all of the students free cupcake cards.  Yum!

Mr. David Glass came and told Pre-K how he helps our school while being on the school board.  He did an awesome activity with the students.  We learned how to work together and give our time to our community.