"Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand."
- Chinese proverb
Let us introduce you to Mr. Five Senses man. We learned a song about the five senses and pointed to our chart as we sang. I try to find a song to go along with every unit. Music sticks in our brains and we seldom forget! This is a link to the song we used: Five Senses song by Dr. Jean |
We started off our unit focusing on our sense of smell. I created smelling jars for the students. They had a great time trying to guess what was inside each jar. We smelled cinnamon, garlic, onion, vanilla, baby powder, peppermint, coffee and mint. |
Next, we focused on our sense of sight. We took a walk around campus to find things with our eyes. It was a great time to practice how we walk and carry our iPads the correct way. They did a great job! |
The students took pictures of different objects and saved them to the camera roll. |
The students found dinosaurs hiding under the playground equipment! |
Later, during center time, the students used their photos to create a photo collage. We love the Pic Collage app. We saved their work and added it to their digital portfolio. |
We used our sense of touch to try and guess what was in the mystery bags. We really had to focus in order to make a good guess!
For our sense of hearing activity, we filled plastic eggs with different objects such as coins, marbles, rice and paper clips. The students had to listen very carefully to match up the eggs with the matching sound. |
We tasted sweet, salty, and sour types of food and made a chart of what flavor we preferred most. We loved using our sense of taste!
We created some QR codes to go along with our five senses unit. The students listened to short videos about the five senses during morning station time. I love how independent they have become with scanning the codes. I often catch them helping one another when there is a problem. Its amazing to see 4 and 5 year olds troubleshooting.
Here are the links to some of the videos we watched:
Five Senses song by Dr. Jean
Amazing Science- The 5 senses
Hearing- 5 senses
To wrap up our Five Senses unit, I assigned two projects to be completed at home. The first project consisted of creating a video using the Videolicious app. I am so proud of my students! Please take a few minutes and watch their self-made five senses videos. |
Ross' Five Senses Video
Kerrigan and Kaylan's videos were unable to be uploaded to this site. They both did a GREAT job!
The second project was to create a poster with pictures that represent all five senses. We took time during our morning gathering to share our projects with the class. I am so proud of all of the students. They were so creative!
What a great two weeks we have had learning all about the five senses!
We will have a short mini-unit on Sharks this week as we prepare for our field trip to the McWane Center. Our IMAX movie will be about sharks.