Thursday, April 23, 2015

More Flipping in Pre-K!

We are continuing to flip the classroom in Pre-K!   I was very pleased at how much the students learned at home last week.   On Wednesday morning, the students were able to tell me all about the letter I and give me more facts on Insects!   This allowed me to move quickly during whole group time and gave us more time to create Play Plans.    Play Plans are created prior to center time.   They can be used in any center. Play plans encourage the students to play with an intended purpose.    Last week, the students used the app DoodleBuddy to design a structure that they wanted to build in the block center.    During block time, they took their iPad to the center and re-created the design.  It was really interesting to see their designs come to life.   Some of the designs I didn't quite understand when I saw them on their Ipads... but the students did.  Some of us see things in a different way!  Some of us are really, really creative too!  I was so proud of them.    This week, we will design plans for the Dramatic Play center.   I am thinking something along the lines of our unit this week... The Zoo!    Who will we pretend to be during our time in Dramatic Play center?    What items will I need during my time in the Dramatic Play center?    So many possibilities!

This week, please watch the following videos and discuss them before you come to school.    We will discuss this information on Monday and Tuesday of next week.   

Don't forget our Field Trip is next Wednesday, April 29th.   

Where do gorillas live? Can you find this on a map?
What are the 3 types of gorillas?
What sound do you hear at the beginning of Gorilla?  Can you write a G in the air? 
What do they like to eat? What is your favorite food? 
What are some of the tools they use?

-What are some of the ways that the elephant's trunk is used?
-Why do elephants need to drink lots of water? How are elephants like us?
-What do they use their tusks for?
-Did you hear them say the word "herd?"   You know that word.  We learned it in class.   Tell someone at home what that word means.
-Elephants are friendly animals.  How can we be friendly to others?   

 Ok.. you will need a piece of paper and a pencil.   It is time to practice writing your numbers!   You already know this song, so sing along at home.   I know you will do a great job! Will you bring your paper to school?   I would love to see your work.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Flipping the Pre-K Classroom

This is our final week studying insects!  I am going to change things up a bit and allow the students to watch some of the content that we will be learning beforehand.  This will give us more time during  whole group to experiment with even more hands-on activities.    

Parents:  Please take some time on Tuesday and Wednesday night to watch the videos with your child.   We will be discussing the videos Thursday morning.   I have included a list of questions to discuss at home after watching the videos.  Thank you for being such rock star parents!

- Is the letter I a consonant or a vowel?   What are some of the other vowels in the alphabet?  Can you name them?
-What sound does the Letter I make?   Can you make it?
-What are some things that begin with the Letter I?   Can you find items around your house that begin with Letter I? 
-Can you write the Letter I?    Ask Mom or Dad if you can write the letter I on a piece of paper.   Don't forget to write lowercase i too!

-What group do insects belong to?
-Where is the insect's skeleton?
-How many legs does an insect have?
-Name the three parts of the insect.
-What sound do you hear at the beginning of insect. 
-Can you count to 6?   Can you write the number 6?
-Do insects lay eggs?
-Listen to the song again.   This time you can sing along!

Dash and Dot Robots

Last week, we let Dash and Dot go on a mission to find the insect!!     It amazes me that these four  and five year olds are learning the basic concepts of computer programming.    There are no limits for these children!   Enjoy our video!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

We love to create on our Ipads! #InsectUnit

We used Felt Board app to get this awesome background.    The students sorted the pictures into two groups: Insects and Not Insects.   We had to think about all the things that we have been learning in order to do this!   Does this creature have 6 legs? 

We decided to get a little bit techy and app smash!   Jace decided to use this background from Felt Board.  He chose this background because he wanted to include a fish in his picture!  Jace then headed on over to Skitch app and uploaded this background.    We love Skitch!  Jace used the arrows to point to his objects.   He chose a happy face emoji to represent Insect and he chose a sad face Emoji to represent Not Insect.      It took a lot of thinking and he did a great job!                            Kiss your brain Jace!
Oh wow!!   They are changing right before our very eyes!

We have been taking time each morning to observe our caterpillars.   This morning, we saw that a chrysalis has formed!!   It is truly amazing to watch the transformation!!!  

On April 2, we wore blue for Autism Awareness.  

Ms. Jessica made a great snack that represented the Life Cycle of the Butterfly!  It was delicious!!!   Thank you Ms. Jessica for creating lessons that are fun!   

Monday, March 30, 2015

Insect Unit- Parts of the Insect

We used the app Skitch to label the parts of the insect.  The students loved working together with a partner and creating their own bug picture!  We shared them with each other.   They learned the parts of the insect very quickly!  I can already see that this Insect unit is going to be a big hit!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dinosaur Unit

All of the students loved this big puzzle.  They are getting much better and putting them together.

Roar!!!   We are dinosaurs!

The students loved listening to dino songs and stories after scanning the QR codes.

They practiced writing the word DINOSAUR

Digging for dinosaur fossils.   They are the cutest paleontologists!

The writing center was fun with dino stamps!

We made dinosaur fossils with clay.

They loved building a dinosaur cave.

Can you spot the dinosaur?

We Skyped with the local museum.  We learned so much!

They loved excavating fossils.

More excavating!

Each student did a poster on a specific dinosaur.  They all did a great job!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

2 week unit- Five Senses

 The Five Senses Unit is always a favorite in Pre-K.   We had a blast learning about each individual sense and also how we can use more than one sense at the same time.   Ms. Glass, our JSU intern, taught our unit and did a great job!   I know that the students really enjoyed all of the hands on activities during the unit.  
The students learned by using the Five Senses glove!
We used our sense of sight, touch and hearing when we used our SmartBoard.  This week the students played alphabet bingo.   We had to listen very carefully to match the letter sounds.  They are doing a GREAT job!   Most of the students have learned all letter sounds!

In the writing center, the students used sensory bags to write letters.   The sensory bags were made of lotion and paint.  They smelled so good! 

The students categorized shapes.   They used their sense of sight and touch.

QR codes are always a hit in our classroom!  We listened to videos about the Five senses. 

Smelling jars are always included in our unit.   It was one of my favorite activities as a child.  

The students created a Five Senses Big Book.   Each day, they cut out pictures that represented the sense of the day.

We used our sense of touch to feel items in our mystery bags.  The mystery bag really forced us to use only one sense.   It was a little tricky!

Andrew is showing off his Five Senses boy!  We hung our work in the hallway.

We used herbal tea bags to make the letter T!   Our room smelled so good...and so did our paper!!! 

We also had a taste test.   We tasted salty, bitter, sweet,  and sour.   Can you guess which was the class favorite?  SWEET! 

Kaylan's face after she tasted sour!! 

We made eggs that held different items.   We had to match the sounds.

We wrapped up our unit by taking a Five Senses walk around campus.  We used our binoculars that we made to look at different things.