Friday, August 23, 2013

 We have had an absolutely wonderful first week in Pre-K!   This week has been full of so many new and exciting things for these precious little ones.   We have almost mastered how to walk in the hallway, get our lunch trays independently, and wait our turn to speak at carpet time.   We have sung our ABC's, learned our classroom rules, painted, used glue-sticks, learned how to fold up our blankets after nap time, counted to ten backwards and forwards, listened to numerous read alouds, and engaged in some very exciting educational apps on our classroom Ipads.   I would say we have had a very busy week indeed!   

I am very excited about this year.   This year we will focus on the four C's:  creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration.  I can't wait to get started.   Hold on tight...its going to be a great ride in Pre-K! 

Below you will find a link that will take you to a slide-show.  I hope you enjoy!

Mrs. Weathers

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Please make sure and check your child's EDMODO account on a daily basis.   Thank you!  

 If you are having technical issues, please email me and let me know.   

See you tomorrow! 
Mrs. Weathers

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

WELCOME Pre-K Class of 2013-2014

You have found our classroom blog!    Don't forget Parent Orientation will be on August 13th at 7pm.    I would love to have 100% attendance.    See you soon!