We are continuing to flip the classroom in Pre-K! I was very pleased at how much the students learned at home last week. On Wednesday morning, the students were able to tell me all about the letter I and give me more facts on Insects! This allowed me to move quickly during whole group time and gave us more time to create Play Plans. Play Plans are created prior to center time. They can be used in any center. Play plans encourage the students to play with an intended purpose. Last week, the students used the app DoodleBuddy to design a structure that they wanted to build in the block center. During block time, they took their iPad to the center and re-created the design. It was really interesting to see their designs come to life. Some of the designs I didn't quite understand when I saw them on their Ipads... but the students did. Some of us see things in a different way! Some of us are really, really creative too! I was so proud of them. This week, we will design plans for the Dramatic Play center. I am thinking something along the lines of our unit this week... The Zoo! Who will we pretend to be during our time in Dramatic Play center? What items will I need during my time in the Dramatic Play center? So many possibilities!
This week, please watch the following videos and discuss them before you come to school. We will discuss this information on Monday and Tuesday of next week.
Don't forget our Field Trip is next Wednesday, April 29th.
Where do gorillas live? Can you find this on a map?
What are the 3 types of gorillas?
What sound do you hear at the beginning of Gorilla? Can you write a G in the air?
What do they like to eat? What is your favorite food?
What are some of the tools they use?
-What are some of the ways that the elephant's trunk is used?
-Why do elephants need to drink lots of water? How are elephants like us?
-What do they use their tusks for?
-Did you hear them say the word "herd?" You know that word. We learned it in class. Tell someone at home what that word means.
-Elephants are friendly animals. How can we be friendly to others?
Ok.. you will need a piece of paper and a pencil. It is time to practice writing your numbers! You already know this song, so sing along at home. I know you will do a great job! Will you bring your paper to school? I would love to see your work.
I miss these blog posts! Not every teacher makes or has time for this! You're one of a kind, Aimee!! 😭😭😭