Thursday, April 2, 2015

We love to create on our Ipads! #InsectUnit

We used Felt Board app to get this awesome background.    The students sorted the pictures into two groups: Insects and Not Insects.   We had to think about all the things that we have been learning in order to do this!   Does this creature have 6 legs? 

We decided to get a little bit techy and app smash!   Jace decided to use this background from Felt Board.  He chose this background because he wanted to include a fish in his picture!  Jace then headed on over to Skitch app and uploaded this background.    We love Skitch!  Jace used the arrows to point to his objects.   He chose a happy face emoji to represent Insect and he chose a sad face Emoji to represent Not Insect.      It took a lot of thinking and he did a great job!                            Kiss your brain Jace!
Oh wow!!   They are changing right before our very eyes!

We have been taking time each morning to observe our caterpillars.   This morning, we saw that a chrysalis has formed!!   It is truly amazing to watch the transformation!!!  

On April 2, we wore blue for Autism Awareness.  

Ms. Jessica made a great snack that represented the Life Cycle of the Butterfly!  It was delicious!!!   Thank you Ms. Jessica for creating lessons that are fun!   

1 comment:

  1. Luc told me he watched a caterpillar become a chrysalis at school and I said "on the tv? Or the ipad?" And he said "no, in the room!" How cool to have it to where they can really watch it happening!
