Friday, October 11, 2013

More Digital Storytelling!

Our I-pads are becoming an integral part of our classroom. My goal is to not just pull out the I-pads for "tech time", but to fully use them as a learning tool throughout the school day.   We are making great strides in that direction!  All of the I-pads have been loaded with specific apps that meet the individual need of each student.   The variety of apps on the market is astounding.   I can find an app to focus on just about any Pre-K standard.  (In a future blog post, I will share with you some of my favorites!)  The apps (and I-pads)  will never replace good instruction from the classroom teacher, but they can be a powerful tool to enhance learning or extend a skill.     Having a class that is 1:1 Ipad has allowed me to differentiate instruction in a way like never before.  While one group may need to focus on a math skill such as patterning, another group may need remediation on a specific literacy skill such as rhyming.   This is our first year to be 1:1, so we are learning as we go...and we still have a long way to go.   I am always in a constant state of planning, teaching, and reflecting. 

This past week the fire truck visited our school!   Prior to its arrival, we read books and talked about fire trucks.  We made a chart with all kinds of words that we think of when we see a firetruck.   When the fire truck came on Wednesday, the students used their I-pads to take pictures.   Afterwards, the students created a digital story about their experience using MyStory App.  The students imported pictures from the camera roll and used them in their digital story.   They had so much to share!   The children really love the audio feature on the app.   It's great for them to listen to themselves telling the story.   Sometimes, they will want to go back and correct something they don't like.   This app is not only making them good writers and storytellers, but also good listeners
Please click on the following links and you can see a sample of the stories from the week.   Don't forget to listen to the audio.  You will need to click the play button.    Enjoy! 

Fire truck story #3 

Fire truck #4 

Five Little Pumpkins Re-Tell  (this story is having a hard time loading..please click the arrow on the right side of screen and it should work)



  1. Very cool! I know Gavin loved that fire truck!

  2. Luc loves his "fire truck hat." He still wears it everyday.
